Greater Cononish Glen Management Plan (GCGMP)

As part of Scotgold’s Cononish development, the Company has committed to carry out the GCGMP to enhance the landscape of Cononish Glen. The requirement to carry out the plan is formalised through a legal agreement, attached to the planning consent.
The management plan sets out a number of tasks and projects including fencing and planting. Some of the detail of these projects is yet to be established as it will be dependent on survey findings and further advice from stakeholders, other proposals are more easily progressed and indeed the Company has already completed some of the works.

Projects include:
• Landscape enhancements.
• Fencing for grazing management and to aid woodland establishment.
• Native Woodland planting.
• Peatland enhancement

To date, October 2019, the Cononish Farm Barns have been repainted, remedial works undertaken along the Cononish Glen Track including reprofiling batters & replacing culverts, drainage improvement works on the SCDT Woodland community path – the Oak Path have been undertaken, deer fencing has been completed beyond the mine site, enclosing the area between the mine site and Cononish Farm native woodland, initial planting within the mine site has been established, the new Crom Allt Bridge is now open, and waymarkers for recreational visitors have also been installed.

See ‘Cononish Glen Access‘ for detailed information on access to the Glen.